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This code reads the A11 .dat file and plots the diagnostics from the PSM and CPC. It additionally reads the UHEL custom made inlet box and plots the background measurements.
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Gram Adapt project / UDW2020 Adpossessive Constructions
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
Gram Adapt project / Verbin Lukukongruenssi 2021
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalLisäaineisto artikkeliin verbin lukukongruenssin vaihtelusta
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Leo Leppänen / EMBEDDIA Comment Reporter
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Leo Leppänen / comment-summarizer-service
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Leo Leppänen / sentiment-analysis-service
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Code for paper Non-linearities in Gaussian processes with integral observations (MLSP 2020)
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CEEC / CEEC tools / VardStripper
MIT LicenseA simple Java application to process the output of UCREL's Variant Detector.
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CEEC / CEEC tools / XmlConverter
MIT LicenseA Java application that reads and processes files in the COCOA format of the Corpora of Early English Correspondence. The application comprises several utilities, one of which is the conversion from COCOA into XML that it has been named after.
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Benjamin Finley / RL Adaption Cloud Gaming
MIT LicenseRL adaption for mobile cloud gaming with base of Pensieve (https://github.com/hongzimao/pensieve)