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  • Tommi Vuorinen's avatar
    Installation bug fixes and compatiblity tweaks, click for more info · 3289f556
    Tommi Vuorinen authored
    Multiple changes:
    1. os.getlogin changed to getpass.getuser as it is more compatible in environments without a controlling terminal, such as Windows Subsystem for Linux
    2. Fixed a situation where .nordb.config.<username> file is missing. Instead of crashing, a message showing that you have to first run nordb conf is displayed
    3. Fixed nordb conf and nordb conf add in a situation where the config file is missing
    4. In cases when you make a typo or input a false value during config in host_port or database location, the raised error tells there is an issue with the config file and points to the config file
    5. In certain other cases when a warning would be raised on invalid config, it will also point to the config file
    6. Fixed the requirements in "pip install ." script. It turns out there was a missing s in install_requireS.
    7. Version number changed to 2.0.4 to keep track of the changes.
    Note: The code does not generate .nordb.configtemp file and therefore Persistent ID data will be missing in case of a new install.